Member 2014 –to date

Partners: Eden Arts, In Certain Places, In–Situ, Lancaster Arts, Mid Pennine Arts, Manchester City Art Gallery, Liverpool Biennial

The visual arts play a vital role in creating healthy and vibrant communities across the North West. Green Close joined the Contemporary Visual Arts Network in 2014 and has been an active member of the North-by-North West consortium group for several years now.

Sue is currently Co-Chair of CVAN NbyNW; in a role, which she shares with Elaine Speight from In Certain Places. She hopes to protect, promote and advocate for the unique work being undertaken by artists and arts organisations across the North West region.

In 2015 Sue was one of twenty writers and artists selected to receive a writing bursary as part of the Arts Council England ArtADDS project. The training, workshops and subsequent writing opportunities significantly enhanced the critical writing offer and connectivity of the North West. The publication ‘On Being Curious – New Critical Writing on Contemporary Art from the North-West of England’ was produced by The Double Negative for this programme of work.

To find out more click here